The 2017 I-20 Scantling is copied here and also available as a pdf download.

revised 6-24-2017

85         Specifications for Class I-20


  1. Requirements: A yacht, its sails, spars and all equipment must conform strictly with respect to design, dimensions, construction and material as set forth in the official rules and specifications of the Inland-20 as well as all other rules and regulations governing participating in ILYA Sanctioned events.
  2. Interpretation: In interpreting any point not adequately covered or wording of obscure meaning, the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association Executive Board , as the final authority, shall consider the intended meaning rather than any technical misconstruction that might be derived from the wording. The basic principle of these specifications is to maintain the Inland-20, within reasonable limitations, as a standard, equalized, one design yacht. A request for an interpretation should be made in writing to the NISSA.
  3. Options: Nothing is optional in the specifications unless the word “optional” or “unlimited” appears in the section and then only within the limitations described. It is the intention of these rules to permit only the materials and methods of construction and hardware specified and no others. It is not the intention of these rules to permit everything specifically not prohibited.

Where the number of certain items is specified:

  • -Number permitted means that the yacht may have no more than the number of items specified.
  • -Number required means the yacht shall have at least the number of items specified.
  • -Number means that the yacht shall have exactly the number of items specified.


-n/a means “not applicable”

-n/s means “not specified”

  1. Substitutes: Use of a substitute, even where allowed, is always at the user’s risk. Plywood, veneer board, laminated woods, pressed wood, fiber board, composition board, laminated plastic materials, balsa, cork, or woods without sufficient strength structurally, or to hold fastenings, are not to be considered as options unless specifically mentioned as such.
  2. Builder Requirements:
  • Prior to the sale by a builder of new yachts for the following year, the manufacturer must make available the hull mold, or a hull off the mold, or the mold plug together with representative spars, rigging, bilgeboards, rudders and any other equipment to be furnished which is covered by these rules, to the NISSA Class Measurer for approval in accordance with NISSA scantling and measurement rules. A builder may request that a plug be measured by the NISSA prior to a mold being built from it.  All current hull molds for fiberglass construction are certified with an ILYA impression and with the year of certification. Any contemplated change in the hull molds must be approved by the NISSA prior to change, the year of certification to be changed accordingly.  Hull molds currently marked with an ILYA impression will continue to be legal molds unless a mold is altered in a manner that changes the shape of the hull produced by the mold.



  1. Equipment Changes: The bilge boards, rudders, spar, hull, and sails measured by any yacht on the first day of any sanctioned event must be used by such yacht throughout the entire sanctioned event. Damaged sails, spars rigging, bilge boards, rudders, and other equipment, if not repairable during a sanctioned event, may be replaced with the permission of the Head Judge provided all substituted equipment meets scantling requirements.
  2. Experimentation
  3. Individuals who wish to experiment with changes to their yacht that violate current scantlings may petition the NISSA to sail their modified yacht in class sanctioned events for a set period of time.. The petition shall include:

-A clear statement of the objective and goals of the experiment.

  • -The scantling rules that are affected and the proposed change that is needed to the rules.
  • -Estimated impact to the class and other non-modified yachts.


  • The process requires a written proposal to the NISSA Executive Board.  The NISSA Board will consult the NISSA Technical Committee and will then approve or decline the experiment request and determine whether the yacht will be scored or not. After the trial period, the results will be made available to the class membership. For the experimental configuration to be implemented, a majority vote of NISSA class members is required to change the scantlings.
  • A sailing season begins January 1 and ends December 31.


85.2   HULL

  1. Hull
  2. Materials Permitted: The hull, floor and center strongback may be constructed of:
  • Polyester resin
  • Vinylester resin
  • Epoxy resin


  • E glass
  • S glass
  • Foam core


The intent of this statement is to ban the use of Kevlar, carbon fiber, Honeycomb Core, and other similar reinforcing material until more is known about how they affect the class. In this connection it is hoped that some tests will be conducted, and if it is found that such material could result in a longer lasting and better constructed hull at similar costs, but not a faster boat, then the new materials would be approved for use as is appropriate.

  • Hull identification: All hulls shall be stamped or identified in a permanent manner to show the year built, builder and hull number. Any yacht completed and/or delivered prior to October 1 must be stamped with the date of that calendar year.
  • Lifting bridle: All yachts competing in sanctioned events shall be equipped with a lifting bridle to permit weighing and launching by crane.
  • Hull and Deck Seal: Hull and deck shall be tightly mated by either “shoebox” or “rolled-edge” construction.
  • Rubrails: If used, rubrails must be made of metal or other suitable material with a thickness of 1/2” maximum and 3/16” minimum and a vertical width of 1-1/2” maximum and 3/4” minimum. Any rubrail judged by the NISSA TECHNICAL COMMITTEE to promote planing will be disallowed.
    • All hull measurements shall be derived from the official master mold owned presently by Windward Boatworks Inc. as this mold has officially produced over 500 legal hulls.
    • Length: 20′ 0″ plus or minus 1/2″
    • Transom: At the centerline the transom shall be 10-1/2″ plus or minus 1/4″. The transom must be flat and vertical and have a minimum of 2 drain holes near the bottom of not less than 1-3/4″ in diameter (or equivalent, nor greater than 30% of each side of the transom.
    • The deck height at the mast line shall not exceed 4-1/4″ above the gunwale.


  1. Boards and Rudders
  • General: All bilgeboards, and rudders shall have their edges dulled on a radius of no less than 1/32”. The intent of this rule is to prevent the edges of boards and rudders from being sharpened to such a degree that they are a safety hazard.
    • Board boxes
    • Number: 2
    • Method of measuring location: Forward and aft ends of the bilgeboard wells are measured from the transom forward, at a point on the transom in line with the well and parallel to the centerline.
    • Width of slot: 1/2″ maximum between the inside surfaces of the well as it exits the top and bottom of the hull.
    • Distance between slots at forward end of slots at the hull: 45-1/2” plus or minus 1/4″
    • Distance between slots at aft end of slots at the hull: 45-1/2” plus or minus 1/4″
    • Distance between slots at forward end of slots at the deck: 30″ plus or minus 1/4″
    • Forward end of slot distance from transom: 133-1/2″ maximum
    • Aft end of slot distance from transom: 75”
    • The length of the slot shall be: 58-1/2” maximum
    • Devices (such as blocks of wood) to alter the angle of attack of the bilge board are prohibited.
    • Board boxes shall be constructed so that the bilgeboards can be hung so that in the event of capsize the boards cannot fall from the boxes.


  1. Bilge boards
  • Number. 2
  • Extension beyond hull: 3’ 8 1/2″ when measured with the leading edge perpendicular to the hull.
  • Material: Aluminum 6061 T6
  • Thickness: 1/4″ plate
  • Sectional shape: Flat with a maximum 2” taper on the edge
  • Board Coating: Boards may be anodized, Teflon Hardcoat, or painted.
  • Outline shape: See drawing in appendix A.
  • Maximum number of bilge board pin positions is 1.


  1. Rudder
  • Number: 2
  • Maximum extension below hull when in fore and aft position: 12-1/4”
  • Material: aluminum 6061 T6
  • May be flat or foil shaped
  • Shaft: 1” ±1/16” O.D. aluminum or stainless steel
  • Rudders must be symmetrical side to side
  • Rudder coating: Rudders may be anodized or Teflon Hardcoat or painted.


  • Rudder posts must be spaced laterally 30“ +/- 0.5” center to center where they exit the hull.
  • Rudder posts must be 19 1/4“ +/- 0.5” forward from the transom where they exit the hull.


  1. Flotation
  • It is solely the responsibility of the builder to design and provide suitable and adequate flotation in each yacht. Any flotation provided by the builder shall not be removed. The flotation should be of size and shape or attachments to prevent loss during capsize. Flotation other than closed cell rigid, buoyant plastic or air bags must be approved by the NISSA Technical Committee in writing before its use.
  • Flotation amount: 12 cubic feet minimum, and at least half (6 cubic feet) must be closed cell foam.


  1. Weight of Yacht
  2. Hull weight is measured
  • Including: mast, boom, boards, bowsprit and their line, rudder with tiller and tiller extension, standing rigging and running rigging, hull fittings, flotation, splash boards, compasses and lifting bridle.
  • Excluding: Sails, life jackets, throwable life saving devices, pump, paddle, cover, battens, tools drawer, boom rest, anchor or anchor line, etc.
  • The boat must be completely dry and all storage spaces must be empty. Any deliberate wetting of the hull, lines, or rigging or concealment or improper weight shall be considered a gross infringement of the rules and shall be penalized under The Racing Rules of Sailing, Rule 69. Attached bags used for handling spinnakers while racing shall be considered stowage spaces.


  • The weight of the yacht in this condition shall be a minimum of 595 pounds. However, a maximum 50 pound weight allowance is permitted. This allowance shall be compensated by the addition of corrector weight, preferably sheet or block lead, which must be added and permanently affixed over the keel line and located not more than 10” either side of centerline, and within 14” of mastline, to bring the all up weight to the minimum weight for the class.
  • All weighed equipment shall be retained on board throughout an event as provided in rules governing replacement of damaged equipment.
  • Glassing in of lead or other material for the purpose of increasing boat weight or adding extra glass not otherwise required structurally, including any glass that causes any portion of the hull to deviate from uniform or normal thickness is prohibited.


  1. The builder shall weigh and add lead to new boats to bring them up to the required minimum weight.
  2. Safety Required Safety Equipment:
  • All safety equipment shall be kept on board throughout an event except when in use.
  • The following items of safety equipment are required: one USCG approved type III PFD for each person on board and one USCG approved type IV throwable cushion or floating device.
  1. Electronic Equipment: compasses and VHF radios allowed.
  2. Bowsprit
  • Location of the sprit hood is to be on the starboard side of the yacht. The forward inboard corner of the hood to be no further forward than 15-5/8” from the bow (this is not to be measured from the rubrail, if installed). The hood shall be 6” ±2” from the centerline of the boat to the pole centerline at the hood exit point.
  • The tack line exit point may not exceed 46 1/2” from the bow when measured in a horizontal plane. (Not including rub rail, if installed.)
  • The outside diameter of the pole is 2.00” Min. and 2.5” Max. The pole must be round with a constant section, not tapered in any dimension. A damaged or broken pole may be repaired using an internal sleeve of any material.
  • All poles must allow for the tackline to exit from the end of the pole through the end cap with the tackline run internally through the pole.
  • The amount of pole height shall be 8” (+/- 1”). This will be measured at the centerline of the boat 15-5/8” back from the bow of the boat. A line must be placed along the centerline of the yacht from the transom to the end of the sprit with the line on the top of the sprit. The sprit must be fully extended.
  • The end of the pole must be on the centerline of the yacht when fully extended ±1” athwartship.
  • Articulating pole is illegal.
  • The pole must be self-retracting.
  • Only one yacht shall be grandfathered to allow the use of a block as an exit point. This yacht is: WBPM20672E96 the prototype boat.
  • The pole shall be carbon fiber composite or aluminum alloy..


85.3   SPARS

  1. General: The original heat treatment and wall thickness of an extruded aluminum section shall not be changed except as provided for in section R.3.c or to repair a broken section. The original wall thickness of a carbon fiber section shall not be changed except as provided for in section R.3.c or to repair a broken section.
  2. Mast Grandfathers: n/a
  3. Mast
  • Number: One
    • Section Material
    • Shall be constructed of aluminum, or carbon fiber.
    • Weight: Mast must weigh at least 20 pounds fully rigged.
    • Wall thickness: n/a
    • Section Shape
    • To hold the main sail luff rope, aluminum masts shall be constructed with a continuous fixed groove integral with the spar, and carbon fiber masts shall be constructed with a groove that is bonded to the mast.
    • Dimensions 1) Athwartships: 2-3/4” minimum 2) Fore and aft: 3-1/2” minimum, 4-1/8″ maximum
    • Tapering: The mast may be tapered along its long axis to create a decreasing section at the upper end for a distance of 68”. Tapering will not be allowed on the aft side of the mast, only a wedge may be removed from the forward side of the mast.
    • Carbon fiber masts may be painted but the pattern weave must not be filled or ground thinner. The void between the aft side of the carbon fiber tube and the boltrope tube shall not be filled.
    • e The mast line shall be straight both fore-and-aft and athwartships when under zero applied load. Tolerance: 1” aft bend due to permanent set.
    • Mast height: 26′ 8″ maximum above the deck, not including the crane for the backstay.
    • Local reinforcement may be applied to carbon fiber masts at the crane, hounds, gooseneck, and base.


  • Sections permitted: Melges, Johnson, Proctor, Bryant, Windward. New section must receive prior approval in writing by the NISSA Technical Committee prior to use.
  • Mast rigging:


  1. General:

1) The only standing rigging allowed is specified below.

2) Mast intersections shall be measured from the deck line.

3) Mast may not swivel.

  • Forestay:
    1) Number: One (1)
    2) Mast intersection: 19’4” (+/- 1”)
    3) 1/8″ wire rope minimum
  • Sidestays:
    1) Number: Two (2)
    2) Mast intersection: 19’ 4”(+/- 1”)
    3) 1/8″ wire rope minimum
  • Backstay

1) Number: One (1)

2) Minimum 3/32″ diameter wire rope or equivalent line

3) No restriction on adjustment purchase

  • Spreaders:
    1) Number: Two (2)
    2) Material: Aluminum or stainless steel
    3) Length: unrestricted
    4) Mast intersection: unrestricted
    5) Angle: unrestricted
  • Spinnaker Halyard:
    1) Number: One (1)
    2) May be internal or external
    3) Hoist: 22’ 9” maximum above deck level
  • Jib Halyard:
    1) Number: One (1)
    2) May be internal or external
    3) Hoist: 19’ 2” maximum above deck level

4) Halyard may be designed to transfer all load to it from the forestay, or to allow only a portion of the forestay load to be taken by the halyard.

  1. Main Halyard

1) Number: One (1)

2) May be internal or external

3) Diameter: minimum of 3/32” wire rope or equivalent line


  1. Devices permitted for adjusting mast rigging while racing:
  • General: n/a
  • Forestay: May be adjustable
  • Sidestays: May be adjustable with turnbuckles
  • Backstay: May be adjustable
  • Halyards: May be adjustable


  1. Mast Fittings:
  • General: n/a
  • Gooseneck: unrestricted as to size or shape


  1. Boom
  • Number: One (1)
    • Sectional material:
    • Shall be constructed from Aluminum
    • Weight: unrestricted
    • Wall thickness: unrestricted
    • Sectional shape
    • Shall be constructed with a continuous fixed groove integral with the spar section to hold the main sail foot rope.
    • Dimensions: Must be able to pass a five (5”) ring along the boom.
    • Tapering permitted.
    • Boom line shall be straight both vertically and athwartships when under zero applied load.



  1. General: Except where otherwise stated. n/a
  2. Mast
  • Athwartships: Centerline.
  • Fore and Aft: The maximum distance the mast may be moved forward is 11’11” plus or minus 3″ from the plane of the transom. This is measured to the aft edge of the mast section when the mast is vertical.
  • The mast step shall be located at a fixed point. No device for altering this point shall be permitted.
  • The mast shall be deck stepped or keel stepped.
  • The height of mast step plus the heel may not elevate the bottom of mast section greater than 1-1/2”.


  1. Standing Rigging
  • Forestay
  1. Athwartships: Centerline
  2. Fore and aft: shall be a maximum of 18’ 8” forward of the plane of the transom only if used to carry the jib while sailing. If a jib luff wire is used to carry the jib while sailing, the forestay fore and aft dimension is optional.
    • Jib tack pin location (if used as connection for jib luff wire)
    • Athwartships: Centerline.
    • Fore and aft: Shall be a maximum of 18’ 8” forward of the plane of the transom.
    • Sidestays
    • Athwartships: Off centerline.
    • Fore and aft: The sidestays shall be attached at a point on the deck 8′ 1″ (±3″) when measured radially from the jib tack pin location.
    • Sidestays shall meet the deck at fixed points. No track or other devices for altering this point shall be permitted.
    • Sidestays shall be “above the deck” only and shall not be led through the deck.
    • Backstay
    • Athwartships: Centerline
    • Fore and aft: shall exit the deck forward of the transom no more than 3”.


  1. Running Rigging: Running rigging on the deck, hull, and rig, and all fittings not otherwise specifically referred to are optional.


  1. Measurement bands:
  • Size: 1” wide for visibility and shall completely encircle spar.
  • Material: Either paint or permanent decal. Shall be permanently affixed and not removable or adjustable. Tape may be used if it is of sufficient quality to make the band permanent and not adjustable. Bands are required to mark the main hoist, the boom line and aft end of the boom. All bands must be in place prior to the issuance of a measurement certificate.
  • Bands shall be a high contrast color for visibility


  1. Dimensions defined:
  • Mast Line: The aft side of the mast or its extension.
  • Peak: The distance measured perpendicularly from the deck at the aft side of the mast to the bottom of the band at the top of the mast.
  • Main Hoist: The distance measured between the lower edge of the upper measurement band and the upper edge of the lower measurement band on the mast.
  • Boom: The distance measured from the mast line where cut by the boom to the forward edge of the measurement band at the end of the boom.


  1. Dimensions:
  • Mast Line: n/a
  • Peak: 25’ 6” maximum
  • Main hoist: 24’
  • Boom: 9’ 6”


85.6 SAILS

  1. General:
  • Sail shall be triangular: No device to alter the shape of the sail is permitted except a leach cord (pucker string) that shall be permitted in the leach of the working sails.
  • The weight of cloth specified herein refers to a sailmaker’s yard (approximately 28-1/2” width). It is a limitation upon the weight of cloth and not on the width.
  • Corner patches, defined as multiple layers of material, are permitted. No part of the patch shall extend beyond the respective corner measurement point nor further than the maximum dimension indicated.
  • Cringles shall not be over 1-1/2 inches outside diameter. Rings in spinnakers, used in lieu of cringles shall not be over 2 inches outside diameter.
  • A maximum of two flutter patches on the leach of a sail, consisting of two layers of sailcloth.


  1. Mainsail Dimensions:
  2. General:
  • No fabric other than soft Dacron or yarn-tempered Dacron, or Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) film laminates such as Mylar shall be used. The reinforcement used within PET laminates is limited to Polyester or PET.
  • The sail must be made from previously manufactured sail material (such as a roll of sailcloth) stitched or bonded together to produce the sail. Examples are broad seamed and radial seamed construction. One piece molded construction such is the 3DL process is not allowed.
  • The outside edge of the leach of the mainsail shall be cut to a fair curve. A “fair curve” shall be a curve of relatively constant turn in one direction.
  • Weight of material.3.8 oz. min. if Dacron, 2.1 oz. min. if PET or PE laminate film.


  1. Dimensions maximum
  • Luff: 24’
  • Foot: 9’ 6”
  • Leach: 25’ 3”
  • Girths:
    1) Top: 4’ 3”
    2) Middle: 7’ 0”
    3) Bottom: 8’ 10”
  1. Devices for holding out roach:
  2. Main battens: shall divide the after leech in approximately equal parts. 1) Number: 4 2) Length
  3. a) Top batten: Maximum may be full length.
    b) Second batten: Maximum may be full length.
    c) Third batten: 48”
    d) Bottom batten: 36”

3)   Width: unrestricted

  1. Permanent auxiliary battens: Shall be placed approximately midway between main battens.

1) Number: 3
2) Length: 14” maximum
3) Width: unrestricted

  1. Headboard:
  • Shall be measured both vertically and horizontally in accordance with the manner in which it is carried. The headboard may not be farther than one inch from the inside edge of the boltrope.
  • Size: maximum 8” perpendicular to the luff and 6” along the luff.


  • Flotation: Class approved flotation panels measuring (±3/4”) 28.5” on the leach, 16.5” on the luff, 10” on the head, and 23” on the bottom are required at all times while racing. The foam shall be a minimum of 1” closed cell, and will be beveled 45 degrees on the sides. No special shaping to enhance performance is allowed. Existing slip-on style flotation panels that meet the spirit of this rule will be allowed. All new flotation panels shall be of the zip-on variety. Panels shall be white except in the following instances. Panels may be red, yellow, or blue to represent regatta wins—red for ILYA Championship, yellow for Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association Championship, and blue for both.
  • Number of holes permitted for attaching halyard: Two (2)


  • Cunningham: The location of the center of the Cunningham shall be directly above the center of the tack grommet.
  • Window: Unlimited as to size or shape, placement open.
    • Patches: The following patches are the only patches allowed on a sail:
    • Head: 44” maximum radius from the head
    • Clew: 36” maximum radius from the clew
    • Tack: 17” maximum radius from the tack
    • Cunningham reinforcement shall be within the patch at the tack.
  • Clew hole: Number permitted: One (1)
  • Clewboard: Not Permitted.
  • Insignia: The Inland-20 insignia shall be the letter I (15” high) and 20 (5” high). The number shall be centered beneath the I. The insignia shall be located just below the top batten.


  2. General:
  • No device to alter the shape of the sail is permitted except a leach cord (pucker string) which shall be permitted in the leach.
  • No fabric other than soft Dacron, yarn-tempered Dacron, or Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) or Polyester (PE) film laminates such as Mylar shall be used. The reinforcement used within PET laminates is limited to Polyester or PET.
  • The sail must be made from previously manufactured sail material (such as a roll of sailcloth) stitched or bonded together to produce the sail. Examples are broad seamed and radial seamed construction. One piece molded construction such is the 3DL process is not allowed.
  • Weight of material.3.8 oz. min. if Dacron, 2.1 oz. min. if PET or PE laminate film.


  1. Dimensions:
  • Luff: 19’ 7” maximum
  • Foot: 7’ 0” maximum
  • Leech: 17’ 10” maximum
  • Luff wire: 19’ 10” maximum
  • Girths: n/s


  1. Battens:
  • Number: four (4)
  • Length:
    1) Top batten: 18″
    2) Second batten: 18”
    3) Third batten: 30”
    4) Bottom batten: 30”
  • Width: unrestricted


  1. Patches:
  • Head: n/s
  • Tack: n/s
  • Clew: n/s


  1. Headboard
  2. A #5 grommet.
  3. Clewboard
  4. Clew boards are permitted on jibs to provide multiple sheet attachment points.
  5. Window
  6. Unlimited as to number, size or placement
  7. Insignia: n/a
  8. Asymmetric Spinnaker:
  9. General:
  • The weight of the cloth shall be 37 GSM min. Example AIRX 600.
  • A luff cord may be used in the luff of the sail, but only in the luff.
  • Swivel fitting: Only may be used on the head of the sail.


  1. Dimensions
  • Luff: 26’ 6” maximum
  • Leech: 20’ maximum
  • Foot: 16’ maximum
  • Girth: n/s


  1. Patches:
  • Head: n/s
  • Tack: n/s
  • Clew: n/s


  • Numbers: Not required
  • Window: Unlimited as to number, size, or placement.
  • Insignia: n/a




  1. General
  • Live Ballast only may be used.
  • The rules of this Section are designed for safety as well as to permit various methods of hiking. Any equipment deemed unsafe by the Measurer, the NISSA Technical Committee or Race Committee will be disallowed whether or not it complies with these rules.
  • The rules of this Section apply to hiking to leeward as well as to windward and apply to all members of the crew, including the helmsman.


  1. Equipment for carrying ballast outboard:
  2. Hiking straps:
  • Number permitted: Unlimited
  • Material permitted: Unrestricted
  • Attachment points: Must be fastened below the deck at two points only, one of which is on the centerline. Shock cord is permitted to support the straps.
  • Projections above the deck line: In use, shall not extend more than 6” above the deck line, nor beyond the bilgeboard slot and its extended line at the deck, nor more than 4” outside the cockpit edge at the deck, whichever is closer to the centerline.


  • Rope or line specifically for hiking is not permitted.
  • Any use of sidestays or backstays to assist in carrying live ballast outboard or to hold onto while leaning outboard is prohibited.
  • All other assists or weight devices (i.e.: trapezes, sliding seats, body harness, water or weight jackets, etc.) are prohibited.
  • The helmsperson and all crew must be in contact with the hull at all times, except while making temporary repairs or in case of accident.
  • Rule 49 of The Racing Rules of Sailing is modified to allow the use of battened hiking shorts or pants.



  1. Boat Names, Racing Numbers & Club Designators, and Class Insignia
  2. General:
  • A yacht’s working sails shall carry no markings other than those provided in this rule and as provided in Appendix 14 of the racing rules.
  • Each yacht must carry on both sides of her mainsail a letter, representing the Member Club from which she is entered, as well as her correct assigned racing number. No number less than one (1) may be used. Numbers shall be limited to three digits. The letter and number shall be placed on the sails in accordance with the official sail-letters placement diagram. Sails built in 1980 or thereafter which have more than one club designator letter shall show the designator letters closely side by side on the same plane. An emblem, letter, or number denoting the class to which the yacht belongs shall be affixed, as provided in the Class Scantlings.
  • Letters and numbers must be all blue, red, green, or black of the Helvetica Bold type style attached directly to the sail by sewing and/or adhesive. Sailmakers may alternatively use letters and numbers all blue, red, green, or black produced from previously approved sailmaker patterns used prior to 1985. Spinnakers need not have letters.
  • Letters and numbers shall be on both sides of the sail and shall not be back to back except where letters and numbers show identically the same on both sides of the sail. Letters and numbers when not back-to-back shall be higher on the starboard side of the sail.
  • Boat numbers are to be placed between the second and fourth battens from the top, with the port numbers being approximately, but no less than 12” directly below the starboard numbers. The aft edge of the first starboard number is to be 10” aft of the line between the clew and forward corner of the headboard.
  • Each yacht shall carry a name on both sides or on its transom in addition to a number on its sail. The name shall either be painted on, or be on a plate or in letters securely affixed to the hull. The letters shall be at least three (3) inches in height, exclusive of shading, with proportional width.
  • No yacht shall be disqualified for violation of a rule in this section except after individual warning communicated to her and reasonable opportunity to correct the violation.


Appendix A: Bilge Board Outline


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