National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association/Indian Lake Yacht Club 2019 Spring Regatta

June 29 & 30

Indian Lake Yacht Club, 246 Chase Ave. Russels Point, OH 4334

RULES-   The racing rules of sailing 2017-2020, the prescriptions of US Sailing instructions will be distributed at the registration.

ELIGIBILITY- The regatta is open to all Inland 20 Scows that meet NISSA Specifications.

RACING- There will be a competitor briefing at 10:00 AM on Saturday June 29 at ILYC.

The first of six races will begin with an 11:00 AM warning signal. There will be one throw out if six races are completed. Races may be sailed back to back. No races will begin after 11:00AM EDT Sunday June 30.

REGISTRATION-ILYC Club house 7:30 PM- 10 PM June 28. 8:00 AM- 10:00AM June 29. Early registration is encouraged. $75 Registration Fee includes Dinner Saturday and lunch Sunday for skipper and crew, as well as awards for the top five sailors.

LAUNCHING-All competitors will sail from ILYC. Two cranes are available for dry sailing, docks and some lifts will be available on a first come first serve basis. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE COWSWAY.  This is not ILYC property and you will be asked to move.

COURSES-Windward/Leward courses with a possible downwind finish. Windward off sets may be used for all races.

AWARDS-Awards will be given to the top 5 finishers.

SOCIAL-Friday evening the club will be open to welcome any early arrivals from 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM, we will organize a group for dinner at a local establishment. Saturday evening will be dinner at the club.

Regatta Contacts- Joe Ewing (nine-three-seven) nine-zero-two-8021

Registration by mail: Send to Joe Ewing 4591 Peters Rd. Troy, OH 45373 or Register at the event.

Payment Instructions- Make Checks Payable to Joe Ewing. Use one of these handy forms!

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