The official emblem of the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association shall be a large capital “I” with a smaller “20” below. Measurement sizes shall be in accordance with the Inland 20 Scantlings, section 6.A.10, of the scantling rules. The color of the emblem is open.

The objective of the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association shall be to encourage and promote amateur yacht racing in the Inland 20 scow; to maintain the Inland 20 scow as a one design yacht; to sponsor an annual National Inland 20 Scow Championship Regatta; to adopt and enforce rules and regulations for the governing of races and regattas; and to create and enforce scantling rules and specifications for the control of the design of the Inland 20 scow class. The rules are intended to preserve important one-design characteristics, ease of handling, reasonable cost of ownership, simplicity, and safety.

It is the policy of this Association to cooperate with other yachting organizations and to demand in return observance of the rules of this Association; to protect the investment of all owners by the development of a strong class association; to take forward and control the evolutionary development of the class by strict enforcement of the scantling rules and the licensing of builders; and to keep the Inland 20 within the financial reach of the average person.

Section 1 – Applications All persons interested in becoming a member of this Association may be accepted at any time, upon submission of a completed application for membership and accompanied fee.

Section 2 – Suspensions and Expulsions Members shall be suspended for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months for gross violation of the rules or unsportsmanlike conduct, or, after due warning for willful and persistent disregard of Rules and Appeals Committee rulings, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Directors. The suspension may be extended for an additional twelve (12) months by fresh action of the Board of Directors subject to the rules thereof, unless the member is reinstated in the interim at the annual meeting of the membership, subject to the rules thereof.

Members shall be discharged or expelled, only for good cause shown, by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the voting members at the annual meeting of the membership or at a special meeting, excepting that failure to pay annual dues pursuant to the by-laws of the Association shall automatically expel any member without further action. For this purpose a special meeting may be called within thirty (30) days of presentation of suitable evidence that more than fifty (50) percent of the members wish to institute this action.

Section 3 – Classes The Association shall provide for membership of different classes. Regular and Life members shall be those whose privileges are not limited or restricted. Regular and Life members shall be permitted one vote each for the election of directors or on any other matters related to the affairs or property of the Association. Other classes of members shall have qualified or limited membership designed in for each instance to indicate such qualification or limitation.

Membership of the Association shall be divided into the following classes:
A. Regular Membership
B. Associate Membership
C. Life Membership

A. Regular Membership shall consist of one (1) person each year. Such memberships are entitled to all Association privileges, including the right to one (1) vote, to hold office in elected or appointed positions, to receive all publications of the Association, and to skipper or crew on yachts in Association sanctioned events.

B. Associate Membership shall consist of one (1) person each year. Such memberships are entitled to the following Association privileges, including receiving all publications of the Association, and the right to crew on yachts in Association sanctioned events.

C. Life Membership shall consist of one (1) person for their entire life. Such memberships are entitled to the same privileges entitled to any Regular Member.

Section 4 – Annual Dues
The dues applicable to any class of membership are payable annually on or before January 1st and shall be exclusive of tax, if any, as follows:

A. Regular Membership $35.00

B. Associate Membership $15.00

C. Life Membership $750.00

Executive Committee members are eligible for a reduced Life Membership fee of $500.00 if paid before the end of their full term, and only if they serve a full term.

Section 5 – Transfers
No membership shall be inheritable or assignable to anyone else.

Section 1 – Annual Meetings
Annual meetings of the membership for the election of directors and officers, and for such other business as necessary, shall be held within or outside the State of Wisconsin, prior to or at the time of the National Championship Regatta, at or near the site of the annual National Championship Regatta, if possible. No notice of an annual meeting need be sent to the voting members, except as provided for in Article XVIII of these by-laws. At each annual meeting, the entitled members shall vote to elect officers and a Board of Directors, and may transact such other Association business as necessary. All members are allowed to attend these meetings.

Section 2 – Other Meetings
Special meetings by the membership, to be held at a designated time and place, within or outside the State of Wisconsin, may be called at any time by a majority of the Directors. The Board of Directors shall, in a like manner, call a special meeting of the membership whenever requested in writing by ten percent (10%) of the regular members. Notice of special meetings shall be mailed to each voting member on record at least thirty (30) days prior to such a meeting. The notice shall clearly and plainly state the purpose thereof so as to permit voting by mail. At each such special meeting, no business other than that specified in the notice for the said meeting shall be transacted.

Section 3 – Voting
At every meeting, each regular or life member in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote, in person or by proxy. All proxies shall be in writing, and shall be filed with the Secretary and entered in the official minutes of the meeting. Only Association issued proxies are valid. If a ballot is sent and no response is received, the ballot will be considered a “yes” vote.
Upon demand by any member, the vote on any election or any business before the meeting shall be by ballot. All elections for directors shall be decided by plurality vote; all other questions shall be decided by majority vote except as otherwise provided by the Articles of Incorporation or the
laws of the State of Wisconsin.

Section 4 – Membership List
Before each meeting of the membership, the Secretary of the Association shall prepare a complete, alphabetically arranged list of members entitled to vote. The said list shall be made available for inspection at the meeting.

Section 5 – Quorum
The presence of ten percent (10%), in person or by proxy, of holders of the membership entitled to vote, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 6 – Rules of Procedure
All issues arising at any meeting of the membership shall be determined in accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order.

Section 1 – Function The business, affairs, assets, and property of the Association shall be managed and controlled by a Board of Directors, who must be regular members of record. Such directors shall in all cases act as a Board.

Section 2 – District Director’s Minimum Duties

A. Attend scheduled board meetings.
B. Actively work with Fleet Reps to increase membership of the Association in districts and fleets.
C. Act as liaison to Inland 20 fleets and work with Fleet Reps to:

1. Each year get current roster for fleets.

2. Ensure that regatta results at lakes of Inland 20 fleets are forwarded to Inland 20 Webmaster.

3. Communicate regularly with fleets within the district to ensure members maintain knowledge and enthusiasm for Inland 20 sailing and class events.

4. Ensure publishing of regatta blurbs from other regattas in Inland 20 fleets.


Section 3 – Number and Method of Election
The Board of Directors shall consist of the following members: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore (the most recent past Commodore), Secretary, Treasurer, Windward Boatworks representative, and sufficient representatives to ensure that all regions have voting representation in proportion to the number of Association members in their respective regions.

Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership, and the person or persons receiving a plurality of the votes cast shall be directors and shall constitute the Board of Directors for the ensuing year, to serve until its successor is elected and qualified.

Nominations to the Board of Directors may be made by:

A. The Nominating Committee, hereinafter provided for; or B. Any regular member in good standing from the floor at the annual meeting of the membership; or C. Any regular member in good standing by submission, in writing, to the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting of the membership.

Section 4 – Term of Office and Limits
The term of office of each director shall be two years, with the Commodore and Vice Commodore being elected at the National Meeting on odd-numbered years, and the Secretary and Treasurer being elected at the National Meeting on even-numbered years.

The term of office shall begin at the conclusion of the National Meeting.

No director shall serve more than three consecutive terms.

To show appreciation and recognition of the work done by the active elected Officers, membership in the Class Association shall be provided for the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary and Treasurer during their term of office.

Section 5 – Regional Representation

Board of Directors composition shall reflect the following: In agreement with the districts described in Article IX, Section 2 of these by-laws, each district shall be represented by no less than one (1) director to be from the fleets within each respective district.

Section 6 – Resignations
Any director may resign at any time, upon forwarding a notice of such resignation in writing to the Commodore or Secretary of the Association.

Section 7 – Removal of a Director
Any director may be removed at any time, without cause or charges, at a meeting called for that purpose by a plurality vote of the membership which elected him/her.

Section 8 – Filling Vacancies
All vacancies on the Board of Directors, by resignation, death, removal or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors to serve until the next annual meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose subject to the rules thereof.

Section 1 – Annual Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet at least once annually to set forth an agenda for the annual meeting, and to transact such other business as necessary.

The meeting of the Board of Directors shall be set at the annual meeting. The Board of Directors meeting time and place shall be set so as to avoid conflicts and to allow maximum member participation. A recommended time and place for this meeting is at the Inland Lake Yachting Association Championship Regatta. No notice of an annual meeting need be sent to the Board.

Should the Board fail to meet during the Inland Lake Yachting Association Championship Regatta, the Secretary shall give notice of the proposed annual meeting to each director with at least fifteen (15) days written notice, setting forth the Association business to be transacted.

Section 2 – Other Meetings
Special meetings by the Board of Directors, to be held at a designated time and place within or outside the State of Wisconsin, may be called upon with at least fifteen (15) days written notice, setting forth the Association business to be transacted. At each such special meeting, no business other than those specified in the notice for the said meeting shall be transacted.

Section 3 – Voting
Upon demand by any director, the vote on any election or any business before the meeting shall be by ballot. All questions shall be decided by majority vote except as otherwise provided by the Articles of Incorporation or the laws of the State of Wisconsin.

Section 4 – Quorum
Except as otherwise required by law, the presence, in person or by valid proxy, of a majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 5 – Rules of Procedure
All issues arising at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be determined in accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order.

Section 6 – Non-Board Members at Meetings
Any regular member in good standing may attend meetings of the Board of Directors. Such members shall have a voice and are encouraged to participate in Board of Directors meetings.

Section 1 – Number and Qualification
The following officers of this Association shall be members of the Board of Directors:

A. Commodore
B. Vice-Commodore
C. Rear-Commodore
D. Treasurer
E. Secretary


Any two elective offices may be held by one person, except those of Commodore and Vice-Commodore, Commodore and Treasurer, Commodore and Secretary, or Chief Judge and any other office.

The following officers of this Association may be associate members of the Association though these positions are not on the Board of Directors:

F. Chief Judge
G. Chief Measurer

Section 2 – Election and Terms of Officers
Officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the members of this association at the annual meeting, and each shall hold office for the term of two years, until a successor is elected. No officer may serve more than three consecutive terms in office, except the Chief Judge and the Chief Measurer who shall serve until a successor is elected. Nominations for the officers of the association will be made at the annual Board of Directors meeting prior to the annual membership meeting. If this is not possible, nominations may be made from the floor as well.

Section 3 – Duties of Officers
A. Commodore – The Commodore shall be the chief executive officer of the Association with the general powers and duties of supervision and management of the Association. He/she shall call regular and special meetings of the membership, and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. He/she shall sign or authorize the signing of all written contracts on behalf of the Association, authorizes payment of all Association bills, appoints committees, and shall perform all such other duties incidental to his office.

The Commodore shall present at each annual meeting of the Board of Directors and membership, a report of the business and financial condition of the Association.

The Board of Directors may, from time to time, assign other duties as necessary to the Commodore.

B. Vice-Commodore – In case of the disability of the Commodore, the Commodore’s duties shall be performed by the Vice-Commodore with equal powers thereto. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, assign designated duties to the Vice-Commodore.

C. Rear-Commodore – This is the most recent past Commodore. In case of the disability of the Commodore and Vice-Commodore, the Commodore’s duties shall be performed by the Rear-Commodore with equal powers thereto. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, assign designated duties to the Rear-Commodore.

D. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and securities of the Association. He/she shall keep full and accurate books of account of receipts, disbursements, vouchers, and other records. He/she shall, on behalf of the Association and under the direction of the Commodore or Board of Directors, sign, make, and endorse all checks, drafts, warrants, bills payable, and negotiable instruments of or for the Association, or orders for payment of money. He/she shall make disbursements and deposit all monies and other valuables in the name and to the account of the Association in such banks or other depositories as designated by the Board of Directors, and shall render an accounting of his transactions together with official records thereof to the Board of Directors or the Commodore for the examination and approval as often as the Board or the Commodore may require.

E. Secretary – The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and of the membership in appropriate books, and shall give notice of such meetings and other business to the membership and directors.

He/she shall maintain the Association records. He/she shall sign all certificates of membership and keep the membership books of the Association in the manner prescribed by law, showing at all times an alphabetically arranged list and addresses of all members, the time at which each person became such member, the amount and manner of capital paid thereon; and shall keep such membership books available, subject to the inspection of the membership upon request thereto.

F. Chief Judge – The Chief Judge shall, in person, be responsible for race management and the enforcement of all rules at Association sanctioned events. He/she shall chair the protest and race committees. He/she shall, together with the Regatta Committee, appoint the protest committee and race management team.

G. Chief Measurer – The Chief Measurer shall, subject to review by the Technical Committee, interpret the class rules and scantlings. He/she shall in person or through a designated and responsible representative, be responsible for any necessary measurement at any Association sanctioned event. The Chief Measurer may at no time be an employee of a certified builder.

Section 4 – Resignations
Any officer may resign at any time, upon forwarding a notice of such resignation in writing to the Commodore or Secretary of the association.

Section 5 – Removal of an Officer
Any officer may be removed, for cause or otherwise, by a majority vote of the members at any regular or special meeting, unless such removal is prohibited by law.

Section 6 – Filling Vacancies
All vacancies in any office, by resignation, death, removal, or otherwise, shall be filled by the members without delay at the next annual meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

Section 1 – Districts and Fleets
The Association shall consist of territorial branches known as “districts” and units within such territorial branches known as “fleets”.

Section 2 – District Organization and Representation
The Board of Directors shall organize groups of fleets into Districts. Each District shall be represented on the Board of Directors subject to the representation formula provided for the election of directors in Article VI Section 5 of these by-laws. Districts may be re-designated at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Districts shall be formed according to the following: District #1 shall consist of all fleets in Wisconsin south of Highway 60. District #2 shall consist of all fleets in Wisconsin north of Highway 60. District #3 shall consist of all fleets outside of Wisconsin.

Section 3 – Fleet Organization
Any three or more owners of Inland 20 Scow yachts, who are members of the Association, may be recognized as a fleet. Each fleet shall have the power to accept or reject applications for membership and shall be self-governing in all matters not conflicting with Association rules.

Section 4 – Fleet Representatives
Each fleet shall elect a Fleet Representative by the voting members of said fleet. All Fleet Representatives, elected or appointed, shall be members in good standing of the Association and of the fleet that they represent. Each Fleet Representative shall serve two years or until a successor is elected.

Section 5 – Fleet Representative Duties
Fleet Representatives shall:

A. Collect the names and addresses of active home fleet members for the maintenance of the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association database.

B. Write, or be responsible for insuring that some other person write, regatta articles for the regattas that occur regularly at their home club.

C. Gather information about their own home fleets for publication online at the website.

D. Distribute information received from National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association to home fleet members.


Section 6 – Resignations
A Fleet Representative may resign at any time, upon forwarding a notice of such resignation to the Commodore or Secretary of the Association.

Section 7 – Removal of a Fleet Representative
A Fleet Representative may be removed at any time, for cause or otherwise, by the Board of Directors.

Section 8 – Filling Vacancies
Should a vacancy arise for any Fleet Representative, by resignation, death, or otherwise, occurring during any year, or the fleet does not elect a Fleet Representative, the Board of Directors may appoint a member of said fleet to serve until a successor is elected.

Section 1 – Purpose
The Nominating Committee shall nominate regular members for any elected positions at the annual meeting of the membership, and shall appoint regular members to an Appeals Committee whose intended purpose is to render judgment according to Article XII Section 1 paragraph 2 of these by-laws.

Section 2 – Term of Office and Method of Appointment
The Nominating Committee shall consist of a chairman and as many members as needed. The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chairman of the committee for a two-year term.

Section 3 – Filling Vacancies
All vacancies on the Nominating Committee, by resignation, death, or otherwise, occurring during any year shall be filled by the Board of Directors to serve the balance of that year, or until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified.

Section 4 – Meetings of the Nominating Committee
All members of the Nominating Committee shall meet in person a sufficient time prior to the annual meeting of the membership to adequately fill the slate of open director positions.
In matters concerning the appointment of an Appeals Committee, members of the Nominating Committee may meet via telephone or other electronic media.

Section 1 – Names
The Standing Committees of the Association are:
A. Regatta Committee
B. Promotions and Publicity Committee
C. Finance Committee
D Technical Committee
Other committees may be created as needed by the Board of Directors.


Section 2 – Eligibility
Each member of each committee shall be a member in good standing of the Association.

Section 3 – Function, Composition, and Responsibilities
A. The Regatta Committee shall consist of not less than three members, including the Committee Chair, who shall also be the Commodore, the Chief Judge, and any members-at-large appointed by the committee on a roughly geographical basis.

1. It shall be responsible for determining the size, format, location, and sponsors of the National Championship Regatta and other sanctioned regattas.
2. It shall assist the host club in an advisory capacity with the operations of these regattas.
3. It shall, in consultation with the host club, appoint a suitable race committee and protest committee.
4. It shall, in consultation with the host club, establish entry fees, arrange for suitable trophies, publicity, and other necessary items and record the results.

B. The Promotions and Publicity Committee shall consist of not less than one member, including the committee chair, all of whom shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

1. It shall be responsible for promoting the growth and development of the Inland 20 Scow class and for publicizing in the media about the Association and its sanctioned activities.

C. The Finance Committee shall consist of not less than one member, including the committee chair, which shall also be the Treasurer, and any members-at-large appointed by the committee chair.

1. It shall be responsible for periodically reviewing the income and expenses of the corporation.
2. It shall prepare an annual budget for submittal to the Board of Directors at their annual meeting.
3. It shall advise the Board of Directors on the above and other financial matters.

D. The Technical Committee shall consist of not less than three members, including the committee chair, which shall also be the Vice-Commodore, and any members-at-large appointed by the committee chair.

1. It shall insure compliance with current scantlings for the Inland 20 scow.
2. It shall inform the Board of Directors of any proposed scantling changes to the Inland 20 scow so the membership of the Association may be informed of said scantling changes.
3. It shall recommend changes to the current scantlings for the Inland 20 scow which it deems will promote the purposes of the Association.
4. It shall review and make a recommendation on any and all experimental projects.
5 It shall have jurisdiction to interpret scantling rules, but may not suspend current scantling rules or create new scantling rules.


Section 1 – Purpose
From time to time an Appeals Committee shall be appointed to hear appeals on decisions by other committees brought forward by any member who serves a written copy of the appeal upon the Board of Directors.


An Appeals Committee shall be appointed to hear appeals, brought in writing by individual members to the Board of Directors, on decisions of the Board of Directors, any officer, committee, or appointee of the Association on the grounds that such decision exceeds the authority of the Association, involves a misinterpretation of the by-laws of the Association, or involves an exercise of powers inconsistent with the by-laws of the Association.

Section 2 – Members and Method of Election
Any Appeals Committee shall consist of not less than three members of the Association, including the committee chair. No member of this committee may be on the Board of Directors. A record of all decisions made must be kept and forwarded to the Secretary for storage with Association documents.

A. In matters concerning the racing rules and the judgments of the appropriate protest or race committee, all Appeals Committee members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

1. It shall have final decision regarding the scoring and awarding of trophies within this Association.
2. It shall forward all appeals involving solely the interpretation of the racing rules to US Sailing. Decisions by US Sailing’s Board of Appeals shall not affect any previous award of trophies.

B. In matters concerning the conduct of any one or more of the Board of Directors, officer, committee, or appointee, Appeals Committee members shall be selected by the Nominating Committee at a special meeting of the Nominating Committee, subject to the rules thereof.


Section 1 – Sanctioned Events: The following regattas are sanctioned by the Association, with the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association having jurisdiction over the event:

A. The Inland 20 National Championship Regatta
All members attending these events will be bound by the Constitution, By-laws, and Scantling Rules of the Association.

Section 2 – Scheduled Dates
The above regattas and shall be sailed annually in accordance with the following schedule, which may be revised by the Board of Directors. All efforts to provide the finest racing possible will be made.

A. National Championship Regatta, to be held on one of the last few weekends in September or a weekend in early October, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Section 3 – Formats

The above regattas shall be sailed annually in accordance with the following, which may be revised by the Board of Directors.

A. National Championship Regatta, a three day regatta with an optimum of six total races, with no more than two races sailed on the first day, Friday, with no more than three races sailed on the second day, Saturday, and no more than two races sailed on the third day, Sunday.
B. At least two races are needed to consider the regatta complete and name a new National Champion.


Section 4 – Placement
The event site for each of the foregoing regattas shall be determined by the Regatta Committee, subject to approval by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors.


Section 5 – Trophies
Traveling trophies shall be sailed for according to the respective conditions of donation to the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association.

At all Association sanctioned events, the Association or the host club will provide keeper trophies for skipper and crew as determined by the number of yachts participating in the event.

Section 1 – Petition
Individuals that wish to experiment with changes to their yacht that violate current scantlings may petition to sail their modified yacht for two seasons as long as the following criteria are met:

A. The objective of the project and its goal are stated.
B. The scantling rules which are affected are listed.
C. Effects to the Association and other non-modified yachts are stated.


Section 2 – Process
The process for the proposal shall be a written statement presented to the Association in accordance with the scantling rules for the Inland 20 scow, section 1.G.

A builder may be licensed by the Board of Directors as long as the licensee complies with criteria set forth by the Board and the scantling rules for Inland 20 Scows. The license to build maybe removed with the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members at any meeting of the membership, including valid proxies, after written notice to each voting member as set forth in Article XVIII Section 2. A list of currently licensed builders will be held by the Association Secretary.

Section 1 – Inland 20 Scow Scantlings
All yachts competing in any Association sanctioned event shall conform in all details to the scantling rules for Inland 20 Scows.

Section 2 – Scantling Changes
Scantling rule changes approved by the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association will go into effect the following season starting January 1.

Section 1 – Institution
The Association’s depository accounts shall be held at a federally insured financial institution.

Section 2 – Signatory Authorization
The Board authorizes the Commodore, Treasurer, and Secretary to carry on such transactions as are necessary for the conduct of the operations of the Association.

Section 3 – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall begin January 1 and shall end the following December 31. The sailing year corresponds with the fiscal year.

Section 1 – Amendment
These by-laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members at any meeting of the membership, including valid proxies, after written notice to each voting member as set forth in section 2 of this article.

Any director or member may propose an amendment to these by-laws. All such amendments to the by-laws by a member must be forwarded to the Board of Directors, in writing, a sufficient time before the next annual membership meeting or a special meeting to be included in the notice of said meeting.

Section 2 – Notice of Amendment
All proposed amendments of the Articles of Incorporation or by-laws of the Association, to be presented at an annual or a special meeting, must be included in the notice of the meeting, and shall be mailed to each voting member not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting.

These by-laws supercede and take the place of any existing by-laws and amendments thereto.

How to contact the National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association:

A. See the website at
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