Inland20 regattas have been canceled through 2020 as a precaution against the spread of COVID. Club racing continues on local basis.

The latest regatta casualty was the national championship, typically held mid-September. The NISSA executive committee released the following:

The NISSA Executive Committee has voted to cancel the 2020 national championship due to the risks associated with Covid 19. The board understands how disappointing this is for the Inland 20 community. However, the risks of transmission among sailors crossing state lines is too great.

We encourage clubs to continue their local race schedule using proven precautions including but not limited to social distancing, hand washing and face coverings.

The NISSA Executive Committee will arrange a virtual venue to hold the annual class meeting, typically scheduled at the same time as the national championship.

Meanwhile, the Fleet of the Potomac on the East Coast has cancelled its event slated for Aug. 15-16 at Rehoboth Bay Sailing Association in Dewey Beach DE.   

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